Friday, 19 February 2010

Self awareness


I was beginning to wonder if I would ever blog again.

Job: new, very stretching growth targets, new strategy to develop.

House: sold old house, found and bought new one, moving end March.

Baby: due, well, about now. In fact, was that my phone?

Given time contraints, I would like to introduce a new style of blog here: the video blog.

Episode 1: self awareness. You may have heard me mention this, and I may even have picked you up on it if I've seen you not being self-aware.

It is perhaps the most important character trait to develop, in enabling you to reach your full potential.

Watch the video, smile, and please add comments below.

By the way, the blog post I refer to in the video is here.

Further posts are brewing so as baby, job and house settle down a little, I shall return!